How to Test Your Store After OpenCart to WooCommerce Migration

Migrating your online store from OpenCart to WooCommerce can be a significant step toward enhancing the functionality, scalability, and user experience of your eCommerce site. However, after the OpenCart to WooCommerce migration process, it’s crucial to ensure that everything works smoothly before going live. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to test your store post-migration, ensuring that all data, features, and integrations work as expected.

Verify Data Integrity

The first step after completing the transfer from OpenCart to WooCommerce is to verify the integrity of your data. This involves checking that all products, customers, categories, and orders have been migrated correctly. Here’s a checklist to follow:

  • Products: Ensure that all product details, including descriptions, prices, SKUs, images, and variations, have been imported correctly.

  • Customers: Verify that customer data, such as names, addresses, email addresses, and purchase history, has been successfully transferred.

  • Categories and Tags: Double-check that product categories, tags, and attributes are properly mapped in WooCommerce. These details are vital for keeping your store organized.

  • Orders: Confirm that all orders, including their statuses, payment details, and shipping information, are intact.


To avoid any manual errors, use automated tools or plugins to cross-check the data between OpenCart and WooCommerce.

Test the Checkout Process

A seamless checkout experience is key to avoiding cart abandonment and maintaining sales. After the OpenCart to WooCommerce migration, it’s essential to test the entire checkout process from product selection to payment confirmation.

  • Cart Functionality: Ensure customers can add, remove, and modify items in the cart without issues.

  • Shipping Options: Test all shipping options, including pricing calculations and availability based on customer locations.

  • Payment Gateways: Test each payment gateway configured in WooCommerce to confirm successful transaction processing. This step is vital if you’ve imported multiple payment gateways from OpenCart.

  • Confirmation Emails: Verify that order confirmation emails are sent correctly, and all details (order number, products, total cost) are accurate.


If any inconsistencies arise during testing, resolve them before launching your new WooCommerce store.

Assess Website Speed and Performance

WooCommerce offers many extensions and features that can impact your store’s performance if not optimized. After the migration, ensure your store’s speed and performance remain optimal by conducting the following checks:

  • Page Load Times: Test the load times for essential pages like the homepage, category pages, and product pages. If the migration has affected your site's speed, consider implementing caching plugins and optimizing images.

  • Mobile Responsiveness: Test your store on various devices and screen sizes to ensure a smooth shopping experience for mobile users.

  • Server Performance: Evaluate how well your hosting provider can handle WooCommerce’s resource demands. If necessary, upgrade your server or consider managed WooCommerce hosting for better performance.

Review SEO Settings

Preserving your SEO rankings during the migration from OpenCart to WooCommerce is crucial to avoid a drop in search engine visibility. After the migration, review and adjust the following SEO aspects:

-301 Redirects: Ensure that all OpenCart URLs are correctly redirected to the corresponding WooCommerce URLs to prevent broken links and 404 errors. This is critical for preserving your rankings.

  • Meta Titles and Descriptions: Double-check that product and category meta titles and descriptions have been correctly imported.

  • Canonical Tags: Ensure that canonical tags are set up to avoid any duplicate content issues.

  • Sitemaps: Generate a new XML sitemap in WooCommerce and submit it to search engines like Google to ensure that your new store is indexed correctly.

By keeping these SEO factors in mind, you can maintain your store’s visibility during the transition.

Test Plugins and Extensions

When migrating from OpenCart to WooCommerce, certain plugins and extensions might not work as intended. Test all essential plugins and extensions to ensure they function correctly. This includes:

  • Payment Gateways: Test multiple payment methods, especially if you've imported them from OpenCart, to verify successful transactions.

  • Shipping Plugins: Verify that your shipping plugins are correctly calculating shipping rates and options based on the customer’s location.

  • Security Plugins: Ensure your WooCommerce security plugins are correctly set up to protect your store from potential vulnerabilities.

For any WooCommerce-specific functionality that you didn’t have on OpenCart, it’s important to test these new features to make sure they don’t conflict with other plugins or slow down your site.

Perform User Testing

One of the most effective ways to ensure your WooCommerce store is functioning well after migration is by conducting real user testing. This involves having potential customers or stakeholders navigate your store, place orders, and report any issues they encounter.

  • Usability Testing: Ask users to perform basic tasks such as searching for a product, adding it to the cart, and completing a purchase. This will help identify any areas of confusion or bugs in the user experience.

  • Load Testing: Simulate heavy traffic on your website to test how well it performs under pressure. This is essential for larger stores or during peak sales periods.

Backup and Final Review

Before going live, create a final backup of your WooCommerce store to ensure that you can restore it if any problems arise. Review all elements of your store one last time, including:


  • Design and Layout: Ensure that your theme is consistent across all pages.

  • Functionality: Confirm that all plugins, extensions, and custom code are functioning correctly.

  • Analytics: Set up Google Analytics or any other tracking tools to monitor your store’s performance post-launch.


Testing your store after migrating from OpenCart to WooCommerce is crucial to ensure a smooth transition and preserve the user experience. By following the steps outlined above, you can confidently launch your new WooCommerce store, knowing that everything from data integrity to performance and SEO is in top shape. This proactive testing will not only prevent issues but also help you deliver a seamless shopping experience to your customers.

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